Increase the value of your asset and unlock your property’s potential.

Bay Planning prepares all documentation for commercial or land development projects across Hawke’s Bay and beyond, both urban and rural.

Our experts deliver specialist planning services for public and private sector development projects.

Bay Planning specialist advisors can answer your planning questions and steer you in the right direction.

We plan to succeed

We are a bespoke planning consultancy, based in Hawke’s Bay, with the experience and relationships that will take your project from concept to consent.

Our mission is to help property owners and developers across the Central North Island increase the value of their assets through successful navigation of the resource consent and planning process.

“Bay Planning has delivered an impressive level of competency and professionalism which directly translated into our project timelines being achieved and, in some cases, exceeded.”

— Mark Oberman, Property Developer

Let’s connect to understand how we can partner with you to achieve the results you want.